Deny-by-default lints

These lints are all set to the 'deny' level by default.


This lint detects that a shift exceeds the type's number of bits. Some example code that triggers this lint:

1_i32 << 32;

This will produce:

error: bitshift exceeds the type's number of bits
 --> src/
2 |     1_i32 << 32;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^


This lint detects type parameter default erroneously allowed in invalid location. Some example code that triggers this lint:

fn foo<T=i32>(t: T) {}

This will produce:

error: defaults for type parameters are only allowed in `struct`, `enum`, `type`, or `trait` definitions.
 --> src/
4 | fn foo<T=i32>(t: T) {}
  |        ^
  = note: `#[deny(invalid_type_param_default)]` on by default
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #36887 <>


RFC 1506 modified some visibility rules, and changed the visibility of struct constructors. Some example code that triggers this lint:

mod m {
    pub struct S(u8);
    fn f() {
        // this is trying to use S from the 'use' line, but because the `u8` is
        // not pub, it is private

use m::S;

This will produce:

error: private struct constructors are not usable through re-exports in outer modules
 --> src/
5 |         ::S;
  |         ^^^
  = note: `#[deny(legacy_constructor_visibility)]` on by default
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #39207 <>


The legacy_directory_ownership warning is issued when

  • There is a non-inline module with a #[path] attribute (e.g. #[path = ""] mod bar;),
  • The module's file ("" in the above example) is not named "", and
  • The module's file contains a non-inline child module without a #[path] attribute.

The warning can be fixed by renaming the parent module to "" and moving it into its own directory if appropriate.


The missing_fragment_specifier warning is issued when an unused pattern in a macro_rules! macro definition has a meta-variable (e.g. $e) that is not followed by a fragment specifier (e.g. :expr).

This warning can always be fixed by removing the unused pattern in the macro_rules! macro definition.


This lint catches transmuting from &T to &mut T because it is undefined behavior. Some example code that triggers this lint:

unsafe {
    let y = std::mem::transmute::<&i32, &mut i32>(&5);

This will produce:

error: mutating transmuted &mut T from &T may cause undefined behavior, consider instead using an UnsafeCell
 --> src/
3 |         let y = std::mem::transmute::<&i32, &mut i32>(&5);
  |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


This lint detects any const items with the #[no_mangle] attribute. Constants do not have their symbols exported, and therefore, this probably means you meant to use a static, not a const. Some example code that triggers this lint:

const FOO: i32 = 5;

This will produce:

error: const items should never be `#[no_mangle]`
 --> src/
3 | const FOO: i32 = 5;
  | -----^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  | |
  | help: try a static value: `pub static`


This lint detects literal out of range for its type. Some example code that triggers this lint:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let x: u8 = 1000;

This will produce:

error: literal out of range for u8
 --> src/
2 |     let x: u8 = 1000;
  |                 ^^^^


This lint detects incorrect parentheses. Some example code that triggers this lint:

let x = 5 as usize();

This will produce:

error: parenthesized parameters may only be used with a trait
 --> src/
2 |   let x = 5 as usize();
  |                     ^^
  = note: `#[deny(parenthesized_params_in_types_and_modules)]` on by default
  = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release!
  = note: for more information, see issue #42238 <>

To fix it, remove the ()s.


This lint detects a specific situation of re-exporting a private extern crate;


In older versions of Rust, there was a soundness issue where extern statics were allowed to be accessed in safe code. This lint now catches and denies this kind of code.


This lint detects an unknown crate type found in a #[crate_type] directive. Some example code that triggers this lint:


This will produce:

error: invalid `crate_type` value
 --> src/
1 | #![crate_type="lol"]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^